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Blogs > Lesco Online Bill Payment Methods: Choosing the Most Convenient Option for You

Lesco Online Bill Payment Methods: Choosing the Most Convenient Option for You

lesco online bill

In today’s fast-paced world, the convenience of managing essential tasks from the comfort of our homes is unbelievable. One such crucial task is paying utility bills, and the Lahore Electric Supply Company (Lesco) has advanced in digital technology by embracing online payment methods.

In this guide, we’ll explore the Lesco Online Bill Payment system and help you choose the most convenient option for your needs. If you go through the hassle of submitting bills by going to banks, this article could help you save your time and money.


The Lesco Online Bill Payment system has simplified the process of settling electricity bills. Now, you will not need to go to offices or banks, wait in long queues, and submit your bills. You can simply do this by sitting in your home using your cell phone. Understanding the different payment methods available to pay the Lesco bill ensures a seamless experience for consumers. Let’s study the different options Lesco provides for hassle-free bill payments.

Option 1: Online Banking

One of the most popular methods is through online banking. Lesco has streamlined the process, allowing consumers to link their accounts for quick and efficient payments. Nowadays, every bank has a website where you can simply log in to your account and make payment of all your bills, including the Lesco bill. To follow this process, you can simply open your computer, log in to your account through the relevant bank’s website, and pay by adding a consumer ID.

Option 2: Mobile Banking Apps

For those who prefer managing finances on their smartphones, Lesco is compatible with popular mobile banking apps. Some of the popular banks like MCB, HBL, Meezan, Al-Habib, and others have introduced their mobile apps, which you can easily download from the Google Play store or Appstore. Afterward, you must go to the payment section, select the Lesco online bill option, enter your consumer ID, and pay your bill while receiving a receipt.

Option 3: Lesco Official Website

Lesco’s official website features a user-friendly payment portal. This is another very convenient way that you can use to make the payment of your Lesco bill online. You need to visit the Lesco official website and log into your account by entering your electricity meter information. Make the payment through local payment options like Jazzcash and Easy Paisa.

Option 4: JazzCash or EasyPaisa App

If you don’t have a bank account, even in that case, you don’t need to worry about paying your Lesco bill. Jazzcash and Easypaisa are the local online payment platforms that allow you to pay your different bills, including electricity. Make a free account on these apps, go to the bill payment section, and pay your bill.

Option 5: Lesco Mobile App

Lesco offers a dedicated mobile application for bill payments, which is also an easy way to make electricity payments. The app is free to download on the Play Store and App Store. Simply download the mobile app, go to the bill payment section, and get paid your Lesco online bill through your cellphone.

Security Measures and Tips

Ensuring the security of online transactions is paramount. While using any option like the bank’s website, mobile apps, local payment options, or Lesco platform, you should set a strong password and never tell anyone about your confidential details. While paying the bills, ensure you enter only the required information. Moreover, you must also not let anyone use your online payments.


In conclusion, the Lesco Online Bill Payment system offers a range of options that facilitate the online payment system. Whether you choose efficient online banking, mobile apps, official websites, the personal touch of authorized payment centers, or the mobility of Lesco’s mobile app – the choice is yours. We encourage users to explore these options and select the method that best suits their lifestyle for a seamless Lesco bill payment experience.

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