The house’s lighting system not only maximises your house’s beauty but also has a positive impact on your health and mood. This is why people spend a lot of money on lighting systems to make their houses aesthetic and good-looking in every season and time. If you want to install lights in your house after construction, you must know all types and wiring processes.
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Many people spend so much money on the lighting system but do not get an aesthetic view. We are writing this article to let you know about all the technicalities involved in lighting services. You will learn about all its types and installation procedure by reading this blog. This way, you will surely find the best lighting solution for your house.

Different Types of Lights
It is important for all of you to know about different types of lights. So first of all, we will be telling you about them. Here are some of them:
- Semiconductor Lights
- Hygiene Lights
- Mercury Lights
- Metal Halide Lights
- Florescent Lights
- High-Pressure Sodium Lights
As per the installation of lights, the lighting system is categorized into two more types:
Indoor Lights: This may include the lights of walkways, bathrooms, common areas, indoor swimming pools, ceilings, walls, and decorative and robe lights.
Outdoor Lights: These include porch lights, elevation lights, terrace lights, outdoor pools, garden lights, street lights, main gate lights and security lights.
Role of Colours in Lighting System
Colours play an important part in the lighting system, and people usually select colours as per their choice. Some people prefer warm colours and others like cold colours.
It is always preferred to use lights in combination. They will not only look more beautiful, but they are also good at finishing. The most important factor is that the same colour lights are not good for your eyes.

Important Points to Keep in Mind During Wiring of Lights
- Always hire an expert for wiring, as bad wiring can seriously damage your lights.
- Wiring should be in accordance with your construction design so that you can avoid the rework.
- Always use the electrical connector for the point wiring of lights.
- The lighting circuit breaker should be separated from the power circuit.
Closing Remarks
So this is a brief introduction to the lighting process, and you can follow these instructions to install aesthetic lights in your houses. Moreover, if you have any questions or queries about the lighting services or procedure, you can contact us through our website,