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Brick Kilns Face Closure as Production Costs Soar and Sales Decline


According to recent reports, about 20% of brick kilns in Punjab have shut down. The reason is the rising production costs and the decline in construction activities.

The province has 7,332 brick kilns, which employ thousands of workers. The remaining kilns are also on the verge of shutting down due to a lack of sales and continuous losses caused by the increasing production costs.

The cost of producing one million bricks has increased from PKR 7 million to PKR 12 million. Because of the increase in transportation, coal, and mud per tractor-trolley.

The prices of bricks have been at their lowest level in the past five years. The construction activities have decreased mainly because of the high cost of materials. 

The Secretary General of the Kiln Owners Association, Mehar Abdul Haq, disclosed that brick kiln owners are suffering a monthly loss of PKR 1.5 million. It is worth mentioning that flash floods in South Punjab last year damaged many brick kilns, which still need to be revived.

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