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Caretaker CM Mohsin Naqvi’s Swift Action Ignites Vital Lahore Projects

Police Service Center

Lahore: According to a news source on September 6, Punjab’s interim chief minister, Mohsin Naqvi, has taken decisive action by requesting that crucial projects at Ghora Chowk and ADA Nullah be started immediately.

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CM Naqvi recently visited the Kalma Underpass and the Central Business District (CBD) in Punjab’s Quaid District. He thoroughly explained the ongoing development Vital Lahore projects in these areas. The caretaker CM has issued a compelling directive for the swift completion of infrastructure projects within the CBD. He is aware of the crucial importance of these efforts for the development and prosperity of the city.

Additionally, CM emphasized the top priority given to the prompt completion of the road connecting Walton Road and Centre Point. This route can potentially become Lahore’s first-ever motorway, ushering in a new era of connectivity and urban growth. It will considerably reduce traffic congestion and increase transit efficiency, increasing vital Lahore projects citizens’ quality of life.

The actions made by CM Naqvi show a dedication to improving Lahore’s infrastructure and assuring its viability on a national and international level. These initiatives represent a coordinated attempt to satisfy the city’s citizens’ increasing needs while luring investments and promoting economic progress.

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