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CM Punjab Inspects Progress of Services Hospital’s New Emergency Section

Shahdara Chowk Flyover

Mohsin Naqvi, the CM of Punjab, paid a visit to Services Hospital’s Lahore newly constructed emergency department on Tuesday. He carefully observed the ongoing construction progress and activities while he was there.

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The Provincial Information Minister Amir Mir was with the Chief Minister as he voiced his displeasure about the work delays. He ordered to complete all outstanding chores as quickly as possible, even if that meant working nonstop all day.

He expressed concern and demanded that new beds be given right away after observing the existence of outdated beds outside the new emergency area. He also expressed dissatisfaction with the operation of the air conditioning system and gave a prompt order to improve it.

The CM quickly spoke with the Secretary of Communication and Works regarding these worries. Giving him instructions to improve the new emergency area. He emphasized that “we must put in place comprehensive plans to prevent water accumulation in the basement.” Additionally, he stated that the new emergency department would not open to patients until his complete satisfaction with the surroundings and amenities.

Mohsin Naqvi, stressing the fullest devotion to quality and efficiency, delegated to the Principal of Services Hospital’s the supervision and oversight of all duties related to the completion. During the visit, the Medical Superintendent of Services Hospital was also present to discuss these issues.

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