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FBR’s Innovative Initiative: Widening the Tax Net in Remote Areas of Pakistan


Islamabad: In order to expand the tax base, the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) is introducing a new system to make its jurisdiction to remote areas. This news has been shared on 9th October by the FBR.

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As per sources of FBR, the program will start this week. It will take the help of all District Taxation Officers of Inland Revenue. These offices will be deployed in all major cities across the country. The main task of these authorities will be to enroll new taxpayers from remote areas and conduct surveys as well.

FBR has termed this crucial task to be quite challenging, but the agency is ready to kick-start this. It has also been discussed that the agency cannot meet its tax targets due to a lack of tax collection from remote areas. FBR is also quite optimistic that this new initiative will rapidly increase the tax collection, enhancing the overall system.

Under this new program, FBR targets to enroll millions of new taxpayers, which will surely increase the overall yearly taxes. It is quite an innovative step for a country like Pakistan, which already lacks in its tax collection system.

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