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Federal Government Unveils 10-Year Strategy to Combat Plastic Pollution

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Islamabad: According to a news source on June 18, the federal government has unveiled a comprehensive 10-year strategy to address the pressing issue of plastic pollution. The Ministry of Climate Change is leading this initiative, which will be carried out in collaboration with provincial governments and non-governmental organisations (NGOs).

The comprehensive 10-year plan promotes recycling initiatives and waste reduction methods. It also focuses on reducing the usage of plastic bags and other throwaway plastics. The government actively seeks comments from the public and trade associations to improve and hone this bold plan.

The government’s commitment to a 10-year strategy for reducing plastic pollution is a positive beginning in addressing this pressing issue. However, individuals must take an active role and promote significant change. People may significantly minimise their plastic footprint by adopting simple but effective behaviours like using reusable bags, straws, and utensils and recycling and composting whenever possible.

Additionally, companies must reduce their usage of single-use plastics and offer their customers access to recycling and composting facilities. Individual and organisational actions will help create a more sustainable and clean environment for future generations.

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