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Lahore Reclaims Unwanted Title: The World’s Most Polluted City

Smog in Lahore

Lahore has once again gained the title of the world’s most polluted city. The air quality in Lahore has deteriorated to an alarming level, which is considered ‘Unhealthy.’

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In recent weeks, Lahore’s air quality index soared to 180, placing its position at the top of the list of the most polluted city globally. The high pollution levels are distressing, and a particularly alarming factor is the concentration of Particulate Matter (PM) 2.5 in Lahore’s atmosphere. It is 22.5 times higher than the annual air quality guideline the World Health Organization (WHO) set.

The local authorities have taken a decisive step to combat the deteriorating air quality and tackle the suffocating smog. They have opted for a partial shutdown strategy, effective for the next two months. This measure entails closing schools, markets, and government and private institutions. Every Wednesday, there will be a temporary pause in Lahore in its bustling activities.

School administrations have been directed to allow their staff to work from home on Wednesdays. The educational sector is not the sole entity affected by this decision. Banks, private institutions, clubs, and hotels are also expected to join the initiative, collectively contributing to a Wednesday shutdown to revitalize Lahore’s air quality and secure a healthier future for its residents.

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