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Lahore’s Band Road Getting Connected to Ring Road

Police Service Center

Lahore’s infrastructure is expected to be dramatically improved under an ambitious plan outlined by the Punjab government. The project seeks to build a crucial link between Band Road and Ring Road. A move that has enormous potential for the area’s transportation system.

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As the government gets ready to release a tender for the project, this innovative endeavor will make a huge advancement. Notably, the relevant authorities have already pre-qualified six construction companies, demonstrating a strong willingness to complete this project quickly. These pre-qualified companies have now been provided with the required paperwork to submit their bids, signaling the start of what seems to be a game-changing infrastructure project.

This ring road project’s significant budget allocation, which exceeds an astounding 10 billion and 84 crore rupees, makes it even more impressive. Such a large expenditure demonstrates the government’s commitment to fully addressing the region’s transportation requirements. The authorities want to carry out the project effectively and with a strong dedication to quality with this considerable funding.

The project’s schedule is equally spectacular, with February 2024 established as the intended completion date. This aggressive plan demonstrates the government’s resolve to hasten the realization of the advantages of improved transportation connectivity.

The project’s main objective is to build a 7.3-kilometer route between Babu Sabu and Niazi Interchange. This lengthy stretch will improve traffic flow and open fresh regional economic expansion opportunities.

This infrastructure project has the potential to completely alter the transportation scene in the capital city of Punjab as it develops. This project is a crucial step toward a more connected and successful future for the area because it has a sizable budget, a clear timeframe, and the participation of qualified construction companies.

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