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Lahore’s PHA Identifies Locations for Planting 1 Million Trees

PHA Lahore

Lahore: According to a May 18 report, the Parks and Horticulture Authority (PHA) Lahore has chosen four areas within the city to carry out its ambitious plan to plant 1 million trees.

A startling 100,000 saplings out of the total of 1 million would be placed strategically alongside the Lahore Ring Road. The airport and its surroundings will also become home to 70,000 seedlings.

DG Tahir announced the choice to switch the irrigation system to solar system installation, highlighting the authority’s creative strategy. Even with little rainfall, this innovative technology offers a sustainable and environmentally friendly way to care for plants. The PHA will set up alternative sources for low precipitation to ensure enough irrigation.

The PHA restated its pledge to plant 1 million trees in Lahore during the current fiscal year, underscoring its commitment to achieving the goals set by the provincial government. This project not only strives to improve the appearance of the city. But it will also make a substantial contribution to sustainability and environmental protection.

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