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Pakistan’s Largest Biogas Plant Takes Root in Lahore

Police Service Center

Punjab Chief Minister (CM) Mohsin Naqvi has inaugurated the construction of Pakistan’s largest biogas plant in Lahore. It is located in the area of Gujjar Colony. The project, with an estimated cost of PKR 350 million, has tremendous potential for the local economy and the environment. The 6000 cubic meters biogas plant will yield an annual revenue of PKR 80 million.

What sets this initiative apart is its innovative approach to waste management. By harnessing the manure from approximately 24,000 livestock in Gujjar Colony, the plant will generate 1600 kg of fuel-grade gas and produce 16 tonnes of natural fertilizers daily.

This initiative of Pakistan’s largest biogas plant will usher in a new era of sustainable energy generation and environmentally responsible waste management. This project will be a shining example of how innovative solutions can drive progress while preserving the atmosphere.

With the biogas plant’s construction, a beacon of hope has risen for a greener and more sustainable future. Stay tuned to TameerEasy for more updates on this transformative venture.

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