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Punjab Government Launched Operation Against Illegal Buildings in Lahore

LDA Operation

Lahore: Amir Mir, the interim Punjab Local Government Minister, has ordered a campaign against unauthorised structures around the city.

According to a department official on Wednesday, complaints about construction projects carried out without approved maps in the Samanabad Zone, Wagah Zone, and Dataganj Bakhsh Zone have received particular attention during this enforcement effort.

Constructions that went over the allowed blueprints have been swiftly destroyed as part of these meticulous efforts. The identified structures have since been sealed, opening the door for more legal action against their owners. Worried officials have been told to watch these sealed structures constantly every day.

The owners of those properties who continued development despite receiving prior notices have been subjected to swift legal action. After more unauthorised constructions were taken down as part of the campaign against illegal buildings constructions, a unlawful building on the road next to Main Multan Road was sealed.

Additional walls around an industrial structure on Main GT Road near the Attock Petrol Pump were removed during the project.

The action was taken against owners of illegal buildings, including commercial halls and businesses, along Main Syphon Road. Similar legal procedures have also been implemented in Wagah and Dataganj Bakhsh zones. Here further projects at four recorded places have met legal repercussions.

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